দেশে দেশে যৌন উত্তেজক স্বল্প বসন যে সময়ে নিষিদ্ধ,তখন আমাদের দেশে ইচ্ছেমতো পরিধেয় বসনে রাস্তায় কিছু মেয়ে প্লেকার্ড হাতে
তারিখঃ ১২ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০২২, ১৬:০৯
দেশে দেশে যৌন উত্তেজক স্বল্প বসন যে সময়ে নিষিদ্ধ,তখন আমাদের দেশে ইচ্ছেমতো পরিধেয় বসনে রাস্তায় কিছু মেয়ে প্লেকার্ড হাতে !
আজ বলছি Swaziland এর কথা।বর্তমান নাম Eswatini. The country covers an area of 17,364 km², it is one of Africa's smallest countries, slightly larger than half the size of Belgium, or slightly smaller than the U.S. state of New Jersey.
The Huffington Post UK
24/12/2012 09:35am GMT
Swaziland Women Banned From Wearing Mini-Skirts And Crop Tops That 'Inspire Rape' Women in mini-skirts or cropped tops could be arrested in Swaziland - because their dress provokes rapists, a police spokeswoman has said.
The BBC reported spokeswoman Wendy Hleta as saying police would now enforce an 1889 law in the African kingdom, which bans "immoral" dressing.The colonial -era law is not currently enforced in practice, but police were now beginning to receive complaints about the immodest dress, and would be following up those complaints from now on, she said.
Women in traditional dress are exempt from the ban.The penalty is a fine of up to £6 or a jail-term of up to six months if they failed to pay the fine.The law has come under the spotlight since women planned march in the Swaziland city of Manzini, where women wore short skirts to protest a spate of brutal rapes in the city.
The Times of Swaziland reported her statement as: "We do not encourage that women should be harmed, but at the same time people should note acceptable conduct of behaviour."The act of the rapist is made easy because it would be easy to remove the half-cloth worn by the women.
"I have read from the social networks that men and even other women have a tendency of 'undressing people with their eyes'. That becomes easier when the clothes are hugging or are more revealing."Women who are breast-feeding or wearing cultural regalia are exempt from the ban.
One other exemption is the annual dance in honour of Swaziland's monarch King Mswati III, where he choses a new wife. He currently has 13 spouses.Young bare-breasted virgins only cover the front of their legs with beaded skirts, leaving the back exposed. Underwear is not allowed during the dance.
সোয়াজিল্যান্ড (২৪ ডিসেম্বর ২০১২)
অব্যাহত ধর্ষন প্রবণতা বৃদ্ধির প্রেক্ষাপটে সোয়াজিল্যান্ডের পুলিশ কর্মকর্তারা বলছে দেশটিতে মেয়েদের যৌন উত্তেজক পোশাক এর জন্য দায়ী। তারা শীঘ্রই এমন আইনের বাস্তবায়ন করতে আগ্রহী যা প্রযোজ্য হবে ঐ সব নারীদের উপর যারা যৌন উত্তেজক স্কার্ট (সল্প বসন) পরে বাহিরে চলাফেরা করেন তারা বিশেষভাবে মিনি স্কার্টের কথা বলেছেন। এই পোশাকটা নাংগা পা প্রদর্শন করে যা পুরুষের চোখকে আকর্ষন করে। এরকম স্বল্প পোশাকের তালিকায় রয়েছে জিন্সের হাফ প্যান্ট এবং উদর ও পিঠ দেখায় এমন সার্ট বা টি-শার্ট। পুলিশের মুখপাত্র Wendy মন্তব্য করেন যে তিনি বিশ্বাস করেন এসব পোশাক এখন আর কেউ দেখতে চায়না। ধর্ষকদের জন্য এসব পোশাকধারীরাই টার্গেট যার অর্ধেক পোশাক এবং বাকী অর্ধেক নাংগা থাকতে পছন্দ করে। যেসব মেয়ের মিনি স্কার্ট অথবা উদর ও পিঠ দেখিয়ে রাস্তায় বেরুবে তাদের জন্য দশ ডলা পর্যন্ত জরিমানা গুনতে হবে। যারা জরিমানা দিতে পারবেনা তাদের ছয় মা পর্যন্ত কারাদন্ড ভোগ করতে হবে।
দেখুন, Times of Swaziland 12th January 2013 এর সমর্থনে যে সম্পাদকীয় লিখেছে-
Thank you for allowing me to air my views on the wearing of miniskirts in your highly estee-med newspaper. I have noted with dismay how some people have gone to great lengths in defending people who want to go around half naked. To make matters worse even our government appears to be confused on this issue because the police quote a certain legislation banning the wearing of miniskirts while on the other hand, the government spokesperson, says miniskirts are not banned in Swaziland.
My take on this subject is that miniskirts are not banned in the country. Common sense tells me that if indeed miniskirts were banned by the 1939 Act, tindlamu would be banned too and they would not be sold. Even though I have not seen this legislation, I doubt if it is interpreted correctly by its detractors.
I strongly presume that the Act was trying to correct public decency, which was deteriorating at that time just like the Act banning public consumption of alcohol was passed almost during those times. For instance, it may have been viewed to be in bad taste to see an almost naked woman in public places like public transport, towns where other people would be inconvenienced. Just imagine a girl wearing an indlamu in a bus. Can you expect people to keep quiet? The occasion and the place to wear an indlamu is known and I do not think the Act bans that.
Some people say government is wasting a lot of time on such a petty issue but I want to emphasise that dress is a very important factor in social circles. A dress has to be appropriate for an occasion otherwise if it is not, you will be scorned. One cannot even be hired for a formal job based on improper dressing alone. For instance if a female goes to a secretarial job interview in a miniskirt, she might be mistaken to be a sex worker and chances are high that she may not get the job.
Another point is that dressing up is a good indicator of mental health. One needs not to have a degree in psychiatry to understand this. It is common knowledge that if one goes around naked in public, police must be called so that this person is taken to the psychiatric centre.
This is because people are used to seeing other fellow human beings covering themselves up when their mental faculties are functioning properly. So if they see a woman in a miniskirt walking around in town or in church for that matter, they become baffled and conclude that she must be mad or lacks respect in a big way.
One point wearers of miniskirts in public do not consider is that this act is tantamount to sexual abuse to men. It is a known fact that men do not need foreplay to be sexually aroused; they get aroused on sight. On the other hand, women normally get aroused after having been touched. Now if a man touches the bum of a woman in public without her permission that is sexual abuse and the man may even serve jail time for this. But if a woman ‘touches’ a man in public with her sexy thighs, it is said that the man must endure the pain. ‘A real man does not cry’ some people would say. This is utter crap. No one has a right to torment another person.
It helps to think about Jesus Christ, the founder of civilisation, who simple said "Do to others what you would like to be done to you". I was at a beach one day and I wore a swimming costume which was revealing my manhood because it was too tight. I had not noticed this until one of the ladies started to complain bitterly. I tried to ignore her thinking that I had a right to wear what I liked; I was at the beach after all.
But soon after that, the other ladies joined her in complaining. As a civilised person I then remembered what Jesus said and changed the swimming costume. In this vein, I am expecting civilised women not to provoke men at the bus rank or whatever public place. People complain for a reason and therefore, it is important to consider their feelings instead of dismissing them offhand. I view that as uncivilised act.
In conclusion I would like to say that women have a right to dress the way they want but as long as they consider the feelings of the people they are going meet. Normally, dressing up properly is a sign of good mental health and respect for people. Conmen know this. That is why you find them wearing suits and carrying briefcases.
মন্তব্য: ০