Socialism in the Black Paw of Village Politics
তারিখঃ ১ জুলাই, ২০২৪, ১০:০৬
In the politics has a magnetic attraction. Politics is the most emotional matter for people from all grounds of life. Even if anyone don't understand the meaning of the word politics, everyone has the ability to speak for twenty or thirty minutes regards politics. Which we see in village tea shops, and even on social media all times. To understand the meaning of politics, Aristotle's view was that "to be political means that everything will be determined by speech and reason, not by violence." And according to Bernard Crick, "Politics is the way of conducting an open society. Politics is procedures and other kinds of policies are something else.” On the other hand, for realists such as Niccolò Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes, and Harold Lazwell, the basis of politics is the exercise of power without regard to consequences'. Many people have made many comments on the explanation of politics, but I think, " If the thinking ends, then the explanation ends, that's politics ".
At present, the lowest platform of politics is village politics. Where the common to very general people of the village, farmers, laborers are becoming active in giving political identity. These ordinary people don't understand the history of politics, they don't know art and techniques, yet they want to dedicate themselves to advance the country and the nation by strengthening the political parties in the illusion of country and freedom. Most of them do not see their party leader directly, yet they give everything to the illusion of party and leader. How tender-hearted, friendly-minded are the ordinary people, who have a store of harmony like a granary. The fraternal camaraderie among the villagers makes it seem as if everyone belongs to the same family.
Everyone is by each other's side in happiness and sadness in rural areas. All come forward to solve any kind of problem. Working shoulder to shoulder. Immense trust and faith in each other. Enmities turn into friendships with brotherhood and love. However, with the passage of time, that rural society has become unstable today. That cordial local order is disappearing today. It is a pity that a group of low minded people are gaming with the emotions of the common people of the village. Where the general people of the village grow up in the identity of their family and society, today they grow up in the identity of the so-called party and leader. Once people used to say that I am a member of such clan, today they say that I am a commander of certain leader of such party.
The leaders are turning the general people into their slaves by giving small benefits, talking about getting out of trouble, giving some money, making them drink tea, greed and temptation. Alcohol, marijuana, yaba, pencidil and heavy weapons are being handed over to the youth. Young people can be seen drunk on the streets of the village as well as in the city. The leaders are engaged in saving their own interests by giving some pocket expenses and conveniences to the youth. As a result of rural politics, mutual respect is disappearing from the society. Father-son, son-father, brother-brother, uncle-nephew, playmates and even schoolmates are against each other due to party favoritism. Do not hesitate to strike. Sociality is on the way of departure from society forever. Politics is being replaced in the seat of sociality.
Once upon a time the village arbitation were completed with the help of oldages. No one spoke above the words of the seniors. But today the arbitation are being done by the so-called political leader who takes a group of gangsters with him while going to the arbitation. Leaders make judgments keeping in mind the political ideology, finances, power and influence of the claimant. They have no sense of principle. There is no sense of right and wrong. " Might is right" and "Ami kono honure" are very noticeable.
Riots, fights, impoliticism, unethical dealings, unethical influence, nepotism, nepotism become cancer in every society. Once upon a time, the young people formed in the political circle could be seen meeting in the university campus and in the city's areas. Today, rural political youth society is meeting at the village road junction, tea shop, institution grounds and club house. In their discussion, which boy is against their party, which girl in the area is beautiful, whose family has a property dispute and where to go to get two or four taka. Once upon a time people were afraid to grow up in the city but today they are leaving the village for the city due to the fear of humiliation from the so-called village youth and political leaders. In cities, parents bring their children to the institution themselves, but today parents have to bring their daughters to the institution due to the fear of rural gang. Once upon a time, people used to think that sending their children to the city would destroy them without guardians, but today farmers and day laborer fathers are sending their children to the cities due to the fear of being destroyed from the village itself.
Politics has sunk into every nook and cranny of the village. Village markets, educational institutions, social organizations and even committees of mosques are formed in party circles. As a result it is seen that idiots who do not know the full form of SSC are tarnishing the post of high school presidents, the person jailed in cases of marijuana and eve-teasing are convenors of Alor Dishari social organizations, the person who does not know how to recite Surah Fateha is the secretary of Forkaniya Madrasah, monthly and yearly The Muslim is nominated as the chairman of the mosque committee. As a result, the conscious and educated people of the society are turning away from the society. Two or four philanthropic people are going to talk about the issues, but they are receiving threats, intimidation and cases. What a pathetic sight! What a terrible thing! There is no accountability anywhere. Sociality is disappearing. Villages are losing history and tradition.
No! It cannot be allowed to continue like this. Conscious youth society must stand around. Apolitical politics should be stopped. Social system should be reformed. If necessary, the revolution should be called. Only the youth can turn the society into gold. Youth is the most active segment of the society. Only youth can provide the energy and power needed for change. Only the young have the capacity to digest the trauma of a broken frame. Implementation of social decisions is possible only by the youth. The main driving force of any movement in the world is the youth community. Youth can change the society with their brave behavior. In the Holy Qur'an, in Surah Kahaf verses 3-14, Allah says that the youth are devoted to the truth and they are faithful to their Lord. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala increases their supervision over them, gives strength to their hearts.
If the energy, courage, intelligence and talent of the youth society are fully utilized, the society will move forward on the path of development. They identify the country's problems and can solve them. They can teach about the rights of the country's children. Can give messages to other youths. The courage to think differently and to innovate, the courage to make the impossible to possible, the courage to walk the unreachable path, to remove pain, to walk against hostile environment for the sake of society and to share the knowledge is traditionally only in the youth society. The world of youth will be free of poverty, inequality, exploitation and fraud. There can be no discrimination based on caste, religion, language, gender. They can be the guardians of change and contribute significantly to conflict resolution. Youth can play a significant role by breaking down barriers of ideas, risk-taking mentality, technical know-how, initiative etc. So it is not without participation of the youth in the decision making process.
Therefore, if you want to refine the society, if you want to move forward, if you want to pass the challenge, if you want to walk on the path of development, if you want to break the immobility, if you want to make the nation dream, you must use the youth to establish social justice. Youth should come forward.
Muhammad Easin Taha
Columnist and human rights activist
Advocate, District and Sessions Judge Court, Dhaka.
[email protected]
Mobile- 01781 704368
মন্তব্য: ০